Building a User Experience Is Social Work
How adopting a human advocacy mindset can help you serve users better.

How to Download and Install XAMPP on macOS: A Step-by-Step Guide
Hi Alfian tell about 18 Stepwise procedure to connect with MySQL as a root user using the terminal.

Mastering the Art of Product Management: Insights from Alfianto Nandya Prakoso
Product Manager, you must be willing to take risks and be comfortable with uncertainty.

Learning with Hi Alfian: Becoming a Successful Product Manager
Become a successful product manager, it is important to understand the company’s business goals

Save 20 Hours a Week By Removing These 4 Useless Things In Your Life
“Get more done by doing this!” “Do this and be more productive!” These are common headlines in the productivity space.

Finding Love: A Romantic Journey of Meeting the Right Woman
Now, he knows that he has found the right woman, and he feels incredibly grateful.